Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dec30th Back in New Bern after Christmas with Mom

Returned to New Bern today after spending Christmas with Mom in Lakeland.
Had a nice relaxing stay, helped Mom with a few things. Visited an orange grove, can't go to Florida without getting some oranges. Also lunch with Ernie & Andrea, they came over from Largo. Always fun to see them. Trip down was straight through and one stop on the way back. We found a great Barbeque place called Dukes Barbeque in Walterboro, they even had a drive through. We'll definately stop here again.
 Sandhill Cranes on the golf course outside Mom's kitchen window.
Mom and I picking out tomatoes and oranges at the grove.
 History of Tuskegee Airmen
Monument in honor of the Tuskegee Airmen
This is an amazing story, just happened to drive by the sign for this.