Friday, September 21, 2012

Pt Jefferson -> Oyster Bay -> Pt Washington

Sept 16th Oyster Bay
Sept 17th, 18th, 19th, & 20th Pt Washington
 NYC skyline in site, headed into Oyster Bay, NY.
Beautiful homes and boats in Oyster Bay, very glad we decided to stop here. Great anchorage.
Execution Rock in the middle of LI Sound.
The remains of our mooring line after a very windy day and night in Pt Washington.
We saw a gust of 46 knots.  That's enough for me, we decided to stay here 4 days. Free moorings makes it easy to do.
On our way to City Island for a couple of days, small yacht with a helicopter on the stearn on our way out of Pt Washington.
Harbor lined with homes like this one, fine sand from this harbor was used for cement and sent to NYC for building skyscrapers beginning in 1863. Finally made a decision to leave the boat on a mooring at PT Jefferson for a week or so and  head to NH for Emily and Isaac's wedding. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Westbrook, Ct to Port Jefferson, NY

Sept 13th-15th Wind was on the nose, motorsailed and spent one night in Westbrook, anchored behind the breakwater at Duck Island Road. Dinghied around the Marinas, never seen so many boats cramed in such a small space.  Then on to Port Jefferson, NY for two days. One a mooring the first night and anchoring the second. Very nice town, will definately be back.
 Egrets on the breakwater in Westbrook, anchored behind Duck Island.
Nests are a little larger and Osprey is smaller but not it's Long Island Sound not Maine.
Leaving Pt Jefferson.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back to Onset then on to Fishers Island.

September 7th - 12th
 Lighthouse leaving New Bedford Harbor.
 Barge we met on the way back to Onset to wait out some more bad weather.
 From  Onset just before the sunset, looking at the railroad bridge over the canal.
Debbie waiting it out in Onset. Even clamshell got a haircut while we were here.
 Weathervane on a church at Cuttyhunk.
 Cuttyhunk looking over toward Martha's Vinyard.
 From the top of Cuttyhunk, Solmar is 4th boat from the right.
 Another view from the top toward the vinyard.
 Vinyard again from the top.
 Joe Montana & Dick Bartel on Dick's boat, nice surprise they pulled in and anchored next to us.
 Leaving Cuttyhunk.
 The latest in boating attire, Keens with white socks.
 Newport from afar.
 A few pics of Watch Hill, beautiful

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hadley Harbor & New Bedford

Sept 3rd Seal with a flounder in his mouth at Hadley Harbor.
Sept 4th entering New Bedford through the hurricane barrier. Stayed another 2 days to avoid the rain and take advantage of a great bus system. It goes everywhere and an added bonus got to see Mike and Pearl on the day we arrived.
The fleet is in, love watching these boats moving around the harbor.