Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Back to Onset then on to Fishers Island.

September 7th - 12th
 Lighthouse leaving New Bedford Harbor.
 Barge we met on the way back to Onset to wait out some more bad weather.
 From  Onset just before the sunset, looking at the railroad bridge over the canal.
Debbie waiting it out in Onset. Even clamshell got a haircut while we were here.
 Weathervane on a church at Cuttyhunk.
 Cuttyhunk looking over toward Martha's Vinyard.
 From the top of Cuttyhunk, Solmar is 4th boat from the right.
 Another view from the top toward the vinyard.
 Vinyard again from the top.
 Joe Montana & Dick Bartel on Dick's boat, nice surprise they pulled in and anchored next to us.
 Leaving Cuttyhunk.
 The latest in boating attire, Keens with white socks.
 Newport from afar.
 A few pics of Watch Hill, beautiful

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