Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Solomons Oct 30

Weathered the storm without losing power, just checked the boat and all is well.
It's cold though, picked up some warmer clothes. We'll move back aboard tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Solomons Update

October 29th
We are still in Solomons staying at the Holiday Inn. Solmar is on a mooring with all the Sails and Canvas stripped. We'll probably return to the boat on Wednesday but it may be another week before we actually leave.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Currently in Solomons, Md Oct. 26th

We've been here since last Sunday the 21st. Needed to check out a leak with our steering stuffing box and then the outboard overheated. Outboard has been repaired and steering is in progress, now we are not moving except maybe up a creek somewhere, hurricane Sandy is on the way up the coast but still not positive where it will make landfall. Will make the final decision today on whether to put the boat on a mooring and get off the boat or go anchor somewhere.
 On our way to Solomon's, looks like Palm Trees to us. Are we there yet?
 Cove Pt Light House just before the turn up to Solomons.
Solomons Island, I went for a bike ride. Very nice it is all flat, but not good now with all the wind.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Harness Creek Annapolis, Md.

October 17th - 20th
Decided to back track a little and go up to Harness Creek, what a beautiful spot. Borders on Quiet Waters Park, great walking trails and less than 2 miles to grocery, marine, liquor and hardware stores. We've been putting our hand cart to good use. Not sure what we would do without it.
 Lots of herons everywhere we look.
 We thought this would be a great hurricane hole, but maybe not. Two sunken boats here, it was a little eerie.
 Enjoying a little foliage on a dingy cruise.
 Boat name is Up Da Creek, perfect.

 Brian's wound after trimming the pancake griddle with his dremmel.
Pontoon Boat converted to duck blind. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

On down the Chesapeake to Annapolis

October 14th - 17th
On down the Chesapeake to Swan Creek Rock Hall, Md for 3 days then on to Galesville, Md. for 1 day.

 Last leg of the canal.
 Hank on Heron.
 Corky and Anna on Cambria
 Lighthouse on Turkey Point.
Swan's Creek, we were at a marina and then anchored off from this house.
 Two eagles in this tree, pretty far away but it's in the yard of the prevous picture.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge
 Thomas Point Lighthouse.
Lovely garden bouquet at Galesville.

Cape May to Chesapeake City, Md, NJ

October 13th
Left Cape May at 6am transited the Cape May Canal, up the Delaware Bay and throught the C & D Canal. All against the tide, sails up and motoring at 2300rpm only traveling at about 4.5 knots. It was a long day, about 13 hours. Loved Chesapeake City will return for sure.
 Lighthouse on Delaware Bay.
 Heron passing to Leeward also a RH36.
Bridges on the C&D Canal, old and new.
Solmar in a full anchorage.
 Chesapeake City anchorage looking out toward the canal.
Interesting modification to a pontoon boat.
Beautiful little town.
We are in the dinghy checking out a car carrier going by the anchorage in the canal.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sandy Hook to CapeMay, NJ

October 8th
Anchored at Atlantic Highlands for a couple of days. Instead of going to Atlantic City we decided to do an overnight to Cape May, NJ. Left yesterday at 2pm and arrived today at 11am. Weather was very different from forcast, saw some 30 knot gusts. A little scarey on my first overnight. But this is how we learn. Atlantic City was amazing, at night we could see it from ovr 20 miles away. Plan is to head th the Chesapeake in the next day or two.  Through the Cape May Canal, up the Delaware River and then on through the C&D Canal depending on weather.

We've passed through NYC

October 6th
We passed transited NYC yesterday. We met up with a couple of boats from Maine and are taking advantage of their expertise going though. We are in Sandy Hook, NJ today and hoping to move on to Atlantic City tomorrow.  We'll see. Just ahead of us is another RH 36 Heron from the Portland area.
 We left at 0445 so had to wait for daylight before taking any pics, entering the East River
 Large barge hailed us to move over so he could pass, no problem.

UN Building ahead.
 Another bridge ahead.
 First sighting of the Empire State Building.
 First sighting of the new World Trade Center.

 A couple of boats in our convoy.
 Another view.
Some old ships along the river amongst the NYC skyscrapers.
 Staten Island Ferry at the Battery.
 One of the boats in our group headed by the Statue of Liberty.
 Ellis Island

 Another view of the World Trade Center, check out the cranes on the top! With the Statin Island Ferry passing by.
 Hudson or Harlem River, can't remember which.
There she is in all her glory, wish we had been closer but this is the best my camera could do.