Monday, October 8, 2012

We've passed through NYC

October 6th
We passed transited NYC yesterday. We met up with a couple of boats from Maine and are taking advantage of their expertise going though. We are in Sandy Hook, NJ today and hoping to move on to Atlantic City tomorrow.  We'll see. Just ahead of us is another RH 36 Heron from the Portland area.
 We left at 0445 so had to wait for daylight before taking any pics, entering the East River
 Large barge hailed us to move over so he could pass, no problem.

UN Building ahead.
 Another bridge ahead.
 First sighting of the Empire State Building.
 First sighting of the new World Trade Center.

 A couple of boats in our convoy.
 Another view.
Some old ships along the river amongst the NYC skyscrapers.
 Staten Island Ferry at the Battery.
 One of the boats in our group headed by the Statue of Liberty.
 Ellis Island

 Another view of the World Trade Center, check out the cranes on the top! With the Statin Island Ferry passing by.
 Hudson or Harlem River, can't remember which.
There she is in all her glory, wish we had been closer but this is the best my camera could do.

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