Monday, October 8, 2012

Sandy Hook to CapeMay, NJ

October 8th
Anchored at Atlantic Highlands for a couple of days. Instead of going to Atlantic City we decided to do an overnight to Cape May, NJ. Left yesterday at 2pm and arrived today at 11am. Weather was very different from forcast, saw some 30 knot gusts. A little scarey on my first overnight. But this is how we learn. Atlantic City was amazing, at night we could see it from ovr 20 miles away. Plan is to head th the Chesapeake in the next day or two.  Through the Cape May Canal, up the Delaware River and then on through the C&D Canal depending on weather.

1 comment:

Andrew and Kelly said...

We are happy to hear that you are on the move again! Sounds like the wedding was beautiful. Andrew and I have been in Annapolis the last 2 weeks working the boat show and on our own boat. We hope to finally get underway around the 20th. I'm sure we will cross paths again at some point. Have a fun and safe trip up the Delaware!

~Andrew and Kelly