Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov. 3 Solomons

Nov. 2nd
Who would have thought we'd still be in Solomons. But thanks to Sandy here we are and the Cape Dory annual meeting is here and starts today. Can't resist staying one more day or two. Brian is off to the grocery store and I'm doing laundry. We'll be ready to go as soon as the time is right.
Nov. 3rd
Attended Cape Dory meet and greet last evening, officers were just leaving to get some dinner so we had a beer or two (Brian had one I had two). Didn't see anyone else and the wind was piping up so we returned to the boat. Will go back this afternoon for the meeting.
 This is the closest thing I could get for a storm picture from the comfort of our hotel room.
I told Brian I'm looking forward to seeing palm trees and pelicans, low and behold I saw both in Solomons. I don't have a pic of the palm trees.

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