Friday, November 16, 2012

Nov 15th -> Nov 19th

We headed to the Dismal Swamp from Great Bridge, original plan was to anchor and go through the Deep Creek Lock the next day but couldn't find the anchorage. Oops  Lock keeper Robert is great, we were the only ones in the lock.

 View from our dock.
 Looking back down the canal toward the dock and lock.
Just passed through the bridge.
Pictures along the way.


Nice rootbeer colored water in the canal.
Old Superintendant's home, I was a little late getting the picture taken.
Cattle crossing bridge.
 It was a beautiful day but a little chilly.
We're in North Carolina.
First one to the dock at the welcome center.


sandy & mike said...

We enjoyed your pics. Never saw that view before. Who's the old salt with you? Lol

Anonymous said...

Deb these are great pics...looks like your having a great time...not a care in the world, what a life!!! enjoy yourselves and stay safe...